Business use case of machine learning;How does it work?;What data to use?;How to measure business value?
Demand forecasting and replenishment;A machine learning model predicts future consumer demand and recommends the optimal amount of each SKU to be ordered to reduce write-offs without affecting on-shelf availability.;Sales history, Product characteristics, Price dynamics, Sales promotions, Store characteristics, Replenishment schedule, Minimum delivery unit and minimum delivery batch size, Weather;By a reduction in overstocks and out-of-stocks. Such business metrics as write-offs and on-shelf availability can be used.
Safety stock optimization;A machine learning model makes intelligent recommendations to optimize safety stock for seasonality, upcoming holidays, and sales promotions, improve turnover, and keep high levels of on-shelf availability.;Sales history, Product characteristics, Seasonality, Promotions calendar, Holiday calendar, Store characteristics, Replenishment schedule, Minimum delivery unit and minimum delivery batch size;By a reduction of safety stock. Such business metrics as stock level can be used.
Intelligent pricing;A machine learning model makes intelligent recommendations on price optimization taking into account external parameters such as time of day, day of the week, weather, sales promotions, on-shelf availability, and cross elasticity.;Sales history, Sales history of substitutes, Competitors’ prices, Price dynamics, Price sensitivity, Ongoing sales promotions, Seasonality, Weather;By an increase in sales. Such business metrics as average bill amount or margin can be used. Churn rate can be monitored in the long run.
Promotion forecasting;A machine learning model predicts demand for items on sales promotions and makes intelligent recommendations on promotion parameter optimization according to a defined KPIs.;History of sales promotions, Sales history of substitutes, Price dynamics, Product characteristics, Product placement within a store, Store characteristics;By a reduction in overstocks and out-of-stocks. Such business metrics as write-offs, on-shelf availability or stock level can be used.
Personalized offers; A machine learning model personalizes offers for each customer and optimizes offers for the desired KPI: average bill amount, frequency of purchase, profitability, etc. The offers may include shopping suggestions, discounts, customized online-store layouts, prepacked baskets or ads.;Service usage data, History of items purchased, Logs of apps and web-sites, History of communication and responses;By an increase in sales and improved customer experience. Such business metrics as average bill amount, frequency of purchase or margin can be used. Customer experience can be monitored via customer surveys and interviews.;
Staff load prediction; A machine learning model predicts future demand and staff load on a granular level (i.e. hourly demand forecast on a store level) and recommends optimal staff allocation (i.e. of cashiers or couriers).;Sales history, Store traffic, Shift schedule, Man-hour costs;By increased staff availability and decreased costs associated with personnel. Such metrics as availability, time to delivery, or time in a check-out line can be used.