Safety stock optimization

Optimize safety stock, improve turnover, and keep on-shelf availability rates high
with DSLab's safety stock optimization
The fear of being left with an empty shelf drives an understandable motive to order a "little extra" inventory. DSLab's machine learning safety stock forecasting eliminates the emotional factor of inventory management, reduces the level of manual fine-tuning, and optimizes safety stock for seasonality, upcoming holidays, and sales promotions.

Improve turnover while keeping on-shelf availability high

  • safety stock optimization and demand forecasting
    Forecast integration
    We integrate safety stock to the demand forecasting process. It allows you to optimize safety stock, improve turnover, and keep availability rates high.
  • machine learning for safety stock optimization
    Probability distribution
    Instead of the average forecast error, we utilize probability distribution to calculate optimal safety stock. It allows you to keep less stock while maintaining high levels of on-shelf availability.
  • flexible pricing strategies
    Demand varies day to day and so should safety stock. We utilize patterns in consumer demand to optimize safety stock for every time period.
  • business metrics
    Measurable results
    Our solution delivers measurable business results such as improved turnover, reduced overstock, and increased on-shelf availability.

Potential business effect

Get measurable business value
with DSLab's safety stock optimization
up to 20%
decrease in safety stocks
Contact us to learn more about safety stock optimization with machine learning technologies

More about forecasting in retail

Here are some resources you may find helpful
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